Treating Hair Loss and
Thinning Hair in Women

SmartGraft® represents a contemporary and highly advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique designed to address the challenges of hair loss and thinning hair in women.

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Hair transplant with smartgraft process

What is Hair Loss and Thinning Hair in Women?

Hair loss and thinning in women, commonly known as female pattern baldness, entail a gradual decrease in both hair volume and thickness across the scalp. This condition often commences with a noticeable reduction in hair density, particularly in regions where women typically part their hair and at the central top of the head.

Book an appointment with our Hair loss experts for a check up and get a professional advice on how to get started with the best treatment procedure that meets your personal condition.

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What Causes Hair Loss and Thinning Hair in Women?

Hair loss can sometimes be attributed to genetic factors. The most prevalent genetic condition responsible for this is termed female-pattern hair loss or androgenic alopecia. Typically, women experiencing this condition might observe a broadening of the part at the crown of their head, usually starting in their 40s or 50s.

Signs And Symptoms of Hair Loss In Women

1. Increased daily hair shedding, noticeable on brushes, floors, in showers, on pillows, or in sinks.
2. Noticeable patches of thinner or missing hair, especially at the widening part on the top of the head.
3. The visibility of scalp skin through the hair.
4. Smaller ponytails due to reduced hair volume.
5. The occurrence of hair breakage.

Treating Female hair Loss

Hair Loss and Thinning Hair Treatment With SmartGraft®

SmartGraft® technology offers a modern and effective solution for hair loss in women. SmartGraft® is a state-of-the-art Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method that minimizes the invasiveness of hair restoration procedures. It allows for the precise extraction of hair follicles, which are then automatically separated, harvested, and stored under controlled conditions.

This cutting-edge approach not only enhances the survival rate of grafts for implantation but also improves their potential for successful regrowth. SmartGraft® provides a natural and fuller hair appearance, giving individuals renewed confidence in their appearance and self-esteem.

Hair transplant with smartgraft